Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Take Two Tuesday: Lemonade's Quinoa

I'm excited to post my first "Take Two Tuesday" and showcase my very first post: Lemonade's Quinoa Salad...with a lil' twist. As I look back at my past posts, it has dawned on me that where I am today (post-wise) is very different than a year ago (and for the better!). It's wild to see my progression between that period of time and can't wait to see what another year of blogging knowledge brings me!

This recipe has been getting a lot of buzz recently and thought it made sense to revamp it a little. I made lil' twists here and there and believe it's just as delicious (or maybe even a little more) than my first post! I hope you all get a chance to give it a try and leave feedback on how you like it!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dutch Oven Beef Brisket

I feel that owning a dutch oven has opened my culinary mind to the nth degree. There are so many things that baby can cook that an ordinary pot can't (or can, but with less ease). I wanted to step out of my comfort zone for a quick second and tackle a red meat dish. My taste testers (guys) were ecstatic. I say out of my comfort zone, because I've always been a chicken or fish kinda gal, with the occasional filet mignon here and there (and usually on special occasions). Red meat usually just doesn't do it for me, but I think I may have changed my own mind with this melt-in-your-mouth brisket I've somehow come up with. The seasonings and accompanied veggies will make your house smell like Thanksgiving morning, and when paired with some yummy mashed potatoes or even a nice cool coleslaw, your guests will be asking for seconds...and thirds...and tupperware that they promise to bring back (yeah, right..)!

Monday, May 5, 2014

{Mini} Korean Barbecue Tofu Tacos

First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for my recent hiatus. A lot of things have happened over the course of the last month. I moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco (yay!) and it has taken up most of my life, but every exhausting day has been worth it. I'm currently back down in Orange County picking up the rest of my things and saying goodbye to all of my friends and family in the area. I'm also taking this week to develop and cook as many recipes as humanly possible so this sort of hiatus never occurs again!

Anyways, back to the reason I'm posting this delicious recipe. Happy Cinco de Mayo! Another holiday to give reason to drink a margarita in the middle of the day and not feel ashamed! Putting my twist on a traditional Mexican taco, I chose to take the Korean {BBQ} route. Korean barbecue has hit Southern California hard with its food truck presence and my brother has been begging me to incorporate the bold and spicy flavors to a dish for the past year now. I chose to keep on that healthy kick by using tofu, but can alternatively be replaced with your choice of protein!