Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Acai Greek Yogurt Parfait

I love how quick and easy this acai parfait recipe is. I've been a huge fan of acai since high school. There's a place in Newport Beach called "Al Cap" that serves the best acai smoothies that you will ever have! Seriously. Perfectly thick and topped with yummy granola and a circle of banana slices. I stopped by Al Cap at least three times a week before school, and it was in the completely opposite direction. I'm talking about me living two minutes from school and driving 10 minutes across Newport to get these. (I may or may not have even treated my teachers to these babies whenever I ran a little (or a lot!) late to class; they're that good.)

When I went off to college (and away from my favorite breakfast spot) I was devastated to find that there really wasn't a place that offered a smoothie as good as theirs. I was acai deprived. Until, of course, I found out that you could buy the smoothie mixtures at specialty grocery stores. This is when I started to play around with the acai. Throughout all of my test runs, I fell absolutely in love with my acai parfait. Thick greek yogurt mixed with the acai and a little agave nectar goes perfect with my homemade granola and fresh fruit. It's pretty much a traditional parfait, but I like to think that the acai elevates it and give its the perfect lil' twist. Hope you do too!

Acai Greek Yogurt Parfait
Time: 5 Minutes / Serving Size: 2 Medium-Sized Parfaits 


  • 2 Cups Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Package of Acai Smoothie Mix (Frozen), Defrosted
  • 1 Tbsp Agave Nectar 
  • Granola
  • Your Choice of Berries / Fruit 
    • I used Blueberries and Raspberries
Place the Greek yogurt in a bowl and mix in acai smoothie mix and agave nectar.

Place first layer of yogurt mixture into the bottom of a cup and top with granola and fruit. Repeat.

....and you're done! I love putting them in mason jars and preparing them for the week. An easy and fast breakfast can never hurt for your hectic and busy day!


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